Delainey Wyville

art educator

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How I Hold To You
2”x10” lockets
hydrostone, recipt, epoxy,  Nerds gummy cluster, Glass scrap from emma, Plastic scrap, Mini screwdriver from ada, Ceramic scrap, Paper clip from Jay, Pencil shavings, Piece of friendship bracelet, Chunk of clay, Resin, Pebble, Rubber scrap, Orange pony bead, Chunk of pencil, Chunk of Paint cap, Piece of my broken paint jar, Helicopter leaf, Grape popsicle stick, Backing to Girl Scouts trefoil, Glass scrap from Emma, Piece of broken vase, Piece of pen, cap, Piece of guitar pick, Bead from Jay, Piece of friendship bracelet, Chunk of broken pencil, Purple Plastic scrap, Gold wrapper, Black Plastic scrap, Large curly clear Plastic scrap, Big orange needle from Marty, Green oil pastel, Polar bear charm from my dazzle charm bracelet. Worn from 2nd-4th grade, Glass scrap, Bent red paper clip, Cement chunk, Flex shaft bit, Mini safety pin, Plastic shard, Wood scrap, Mulch, Remnants of a yellow m&m, Ceramic scrap, Red Bull tab, Marty’s pistachio shell from my tote bag pistachio stash, Screw, Glass scrap from emma, Green paper clip, Piece of dowel rod, Pebble, Needle and pin, Tortilla chip, Sandpaper, Clear, blue glass scrap, Another part of the yellow M&M, Gold safety pin, Chunk of Emma’s broken Pyrex, Glass scrap from Emma, Carved linoleum, White plastic anchor, Piece of my broken paint jar, Bluejay feather from a hike with my mom, Rusty X-Acto blade from under the cabinet, Cap, Pink sequin heart from Jay, Thumbtack, Glass scrap from emma, Mystery. Pink squishy thing from the park. (Eraser?), Piece of broken pencil, Twig, Chunk of broken vase, Pebble, Zipper, Wood scrap, Plastic anchor, Piece of bark, Large pink bed from the park, Charcoal stick, Dove milk chocolate wrapper from Susan Rakows house, Pencil top from my History Of Crafts classroom, Ceramic scrap, Resin scrap, Center of a fake plastic flower, Gold screw, Shopping bag scrap, Piece of a water bottle cap, Beetle wing, Pebble, Key from Jay, Plastic mushroom from Jay, Bent jump ring, Black plastic spider from Halloween decorations of someone else on the 9th floor, Red gummy bear, Wire, Glass shard from broken still life wine bottle, Plastic wall anchor, Pebble, Thumb tack, Yarn scrap, Dove dark chocolate wrapper from zuzus house, Orbit gum wrapper, Bark from hike with my mom, Rubber cutting, Cap, Threaded sewing needle from Jay, Plastic Baby from Jack, Fast acting, Advil, capsule, Rock and cement from hike during visit home

the chickadee was our connection in life, the great horned owl our connection since his passing
copper, enamel, fabric
Braided Bread Tritic

Oil on Canvas

Death of The Child after Death and The Child by Edvard Munch

Oil on Canvas
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